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Kilema 2016 - Madagascar Culrure & Music
International Career
The festivals
Unity and respect
Culture of peace with music
Workshop for all
Musical trip to the red island
The essence
" ... sure, at first sight, it might seem easy for a musician to talk about his music, his creations, his talent. But... how easy is it to make music talk about someone who daily, almost every moment, carries it in his heart?
I’m going to try to do it, describe it, and talk about it.
Some time ago I met a man. Or maybe he met me. A first contact when children, almost innate, unable to say when we began. We met in a place of purity, without luxury, without means, with whatever was available. A place where I sounded only if you had the talent and creativity to build your own instrument. A piece of cane, a cauldron, a break cable... it was anywhere in the intuition of those who have nothing else. Madagascar, a rich country of poor people, where daily we sing, we dance, we smile and music is played from the heart. Feelings, peoples, places we travel together, with humility and simplicity as our only baggage, and with the only intention of carrying music, love and respect to every corner of the world."
Canal YouTube
Madagascar,s Soul
Global ambassador of Malagasy culture